Dr Dom spends a large portion of her time as an academic in sports nutrition at Deakin University, involving research. The aims of Dr Dom’s research are to optimise the health, well-being and performance of athletes and the active population through nutritional assessment, education and intervention. She is passionate about applied research, collecting field data on real life athletes in their real lives.
Dr Dom’s current research interests and active projects include:
- The relationships between diet and sleep in the athletic population.
- The assessment of energy expenditure, energy intake and energy availability in the athletic population.
- The nutritional intake and status of junior athletes
Dr Dom’s research publications and conference presentations include:
- Clifton PM, Condo D, Keogh JB (2014) Long term weight maintenance after advice to consume low carbohydrate, higher protein diets – A systematic review and meta analysis. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases 24, 224-35.
- Condo D, Makrides M, Skeaff S, Zhou S. (2015) Development and validation of an iodine specific food frequency questionnaire to estimate iodine intake in Australian pregnant women. British Journal of Nutrition 113, 944-52. 4
- Huynh D, Condo D, Gibson R, Makrides M, Muhlhausler B, Zhou SJ. (2017) Comparison of breast-milk iodine concentration of lactating women in Australia pre and post mandatory iodine fortification. Public Health Nutr. 20(1):12-17
- Condo D, Huyhn D, Anderson AJ, Skeaff S, Ryan P, Makrides M, Mühlhaüsler BS, Zhou SJ. (2016) Iodine status of pregnant women in South Australia after mandatory iodine fortification of bread and the recommendation for iodine supplementation. Matern Child Nutr.
- Aisbett B, Condo D, Zacharewicz E, Lamon S. (2017) The Impact of Shiftwork on Skeletal Muscle Health. Nutrients. 8;9 (3).
- Huynh D, Condo D, Skeaff S, Gibson R, Makrides M, Muhlhausler B, Zhou SJ (2017) Iodine status of post-partum women and their infants in Australia after the introduction of mandatory iodine fortification. British Journal of Nutrition.
- Lohman R, Carr A, Condo D. (2018) Nutritional Intake in Australian Football Players: Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Macronutrient and Micronutrient Intake. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. Nov 7:1-8.
- Zhou SJ, Condo D, Ryan P, Skeaff SA, Howell S, Anderson PJ, McPhee AJ, Makrides M. (2019) Association Between Maternal Iodine Intake in Pregnancy and Childhood Neurodevelopment at Age 18 Months. Am J Epidemiol. Feb 1;188 (2):332-338.
- Condo D, Lohman R, Kelly M, Carr A. (2019) Nutritional Intake, Sports Nutrition Knowledge and Energy Availability in Australian Football Players. Nutrients.
- Urwin C, Snow R, Orellana L, Condo D, Wadley G, Carr A. (2019) Sodium Citrate ingestion protocol impacts induced alkalosis, gastrointestinal symptoms and palatability. Physiological Reports
- Falkenberg E, Aisbett B, Lastella M, Roberts S, Condo D. (2020) Nutrient intake, meal timing and sleep in elite male Australian football players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. In Press
- Roberts S, Aisbett B, Lastella M, Condo D (2020) The sleep of elite Australian-rules footballers during pre-season: a comparison of men and women. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance. In Press
- Urwin C, Snow R, Condo D, Snipe R, Wadley G, Carr A. (2020) Factors Influencing Physiological Responses, Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Exercise Performance Following Sodium Citrate Supplementation: a Review. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
- Mercer D, Convit L, Condo D, Carr AJ, Hamilton DL, Slater G, Snipe RMJ. (2020) Protein Requirements of Pre-Menopausal Female Athletes: Systematic Literature Review. Nutrients.
- Urwin C, Snow R, Condo D, Orellena L, Wadley G, Carr A. (2021) Does varying the ingestion duration of sodium citrate influence blood alkalosis and gastrointestinal symptoms. PLOS ONE
- Lamon S, Morabito A, Arentson-Lantz E, Knowles O, Vincent GE, Condo D, Alexander SE, Garnham A, Paddon-Jones D, Aisbett B. (2021) The effect of acute sleep deprivation on skeletal muscle protein synthesis and the hormonal environment. Physiological Reports.
- Lastella M, Miller DJ, Quilelli M, Roberts S, Aisbett B, Condo D. (2021) The Impact of Chronotype on the Sleep and Training Responses of Elite Female Australian Footballers. Clock
- Urwin CS, Main LC, Mikocka-Walus A, Skvarc DR, Roberts SSH, Condo D, Carr AJ, Convit L, Jardine W, Rahman SS, Snipe RMJ. (2021). The Relationship Between Psychological Stress and Anxiety with Gastrointestinal Symptoms Before and During a 56 km Ultramarathon Running Race. Sports Med Open.
- Ferguson C, Aisbett B, Lastella M, Roberts S, Condo D. Evening Whey Protein Intake, Rich in Tryptophan, and Sleep in Elite Male Australian Rules Football Players on Training and Nontraining Days. International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism
- Roberts S, Aisbett B, Stevens A, Lastella M, Condo D (2021) Sleep duration and quality are associated with nutrient intake in elite female athletes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.
- Condo D, Gifford J. (2021) Sports Dietitians Australia Conference. Celebrating 25 years of Sports Dietitians Australia: Sports Nutrition-past, present and future, 15th – 16th October, 2021. Nutrition and Dietetics.
Conference presentations
- 2015
Association between thyroid function of pregnant women and their infants in Adelaide. Condo D, Huyhn D, Skeaff S, Makrides M, Zhou S. PSANZ, April 2015, Melbourne Australia - 2016
Iodine intake and status in Australian Pregnant women. Condo D, Huyhn D, Skeaff S, Makrides M, Zhou S. DAA National Conference. May 2016, Melbourne Australia
Accepted for presentation in Early Career Showcase - 2016
Development and validation of an iodine specific food frequency questionnaire to estimate iodine intake in Australian pregnant women. Condo D, Huyhn D, Skeaff S, Makrides M, Zhou S. International Congress of Dietitians, September 2016 Granada, Spain. - 2016
Use of Articulate Storyline for Online Unit Development. Condo D, Macfarlane S, Cicerale, S. Teaching and Learning Conference, November 2016, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia - 2017
Supplement considerations when working with athletes. Condo D, Austin S, Walker E, Andrews K. DAA National Conference. May 2017, Hobart, Tasmania - 2018
Periodisation of carbohydrate intake around exercise: from elite athletes to your active clients. Condo D, Austin S, Burke L. DAA National Conference. May 2018, Sydney Australia - 2018
Margerison C, Van der Pligt P, Murray E, Condo D. Are we adequately supporting dietetic student mental health prior to and during placements? DAA National Conference, May 2018, Sydney Australia - 2019
The relationship between diet, meal timing and sleep in AFL players. European College of Sports Science (ECSS), Prague, Czech Republic. - 2019
The relationship between diet and sleep in AFL players. DAA National Conference, August 2019, Gold Coast, Australia

Dr. Dominique Condo, APD
PhD, M Nutr Diet, Grad Cert Higher Education, BSc(Biomed)